

??instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of american materialism with a southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools.(2000)


hypocritical ???a.虚伪的,虚伪的

spectacle ?????n.表象,局势

ample ???????a.满足的,足够的

critic ????????n.批判家

materialism ???n.唯物主义;唯物论

radical ??????a.根柢的;急进的

journalist ?????n.记者

participatory ??a.参加式的???

democracy ???n.民主,民主主义

phase ????????n.期间

enroll ???????v.接收,入学;挂号


语句骨干为we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles,?be treated to 的意思是“被款待,被款待”,spectacles 意为“ 壮丽表象 ”,这儿具有反讽意味。which引导的非捆绑性定语从句润饰spectacles
,冒号后边三个并排名词性短语对spectacles进行举例阐明,别离由 with 引导的介词短语做定语,who 引导的定语从句做定语和 advocate 的如今分词方法做定语,言语方法富于改变,无负担庸俗之感。


相反,咱们如同目睹了比以往任何时分都多的虚伪表象:美国实利主义的批判家在南安普顿具有消暑别墅;急进的出书商到三星级宾馆就餐;建议终身同享民主制的新闻记者却把自个的子孙送进私立学校。关于这样的人,及更多或许不这么超卓的人而言,最佳的诠释是“不吝悉数价值获得成功, 但避免体现出宏愿勃勃”。



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