





题干:researchers think that?guilt can be a good thing?because it may help(细节题)

原文:?this is why?researchers generally regard so-called?moral guilt, in the right amount,?to bea good thing.

选项:fostera child’s moral development(指代处常考+上下义词替换)

原文:children aren’t born knowing how?to say “i’m sorry”;?rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own consciences.


题干:?many people still consider guilt to be(细节题)

原文:in the popular imagination, of course, guilt stillgets a bad rap.


原文:it is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of?wearing a jacket weighted with stones.


题干:vaishholds that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that?(细节题)

原文:”there has been a kind of revival or a rethinkingabout what guilt is and what role guilt can serve,” says amrisha vaish, apsychology researcher at the university of virginia,?

选项:?an emotion can play opposing roles

原文:adding that this revivalis part of a larger recognition that?emotions aren’t binary—feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another.?


题干:maltiand others have shown that cooperation and sharing(细节题)

原文:?malti andothers have shown that?

选项:can result from cither sympathy or guilt

原文:?malti andothers have shown that?guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to?cooperation and sharing.?


题干:the word?“transgressions” (line 4, para. 5) is closest in meaning to(词汇题)

原文:using caregiver assessments and the children’sself-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or hertendency to feel negative emotions after moral?transgressions.?


原文:using caregiver assessments and the children’sself-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or hertendency to?feel negative emotions?after moral?transgressions.?



题干:bysaying “one of the harder challenges,” the author implies that(揣度题)

原文:forests give us shade, quiet and one of the harder challenges in thefight against climate change.?

选项:forests may become a potential threat

原文:even as we humans count on forests to soak up a good share of the carbondioxide we produce,?we are threatening their ability to do so.?the climate change we are hastening could one day?leave us with forests that emit morecarbon than they absorb.


题干:tomaintain forests as valuable “carbon sinks”, we may need to(细节题)

原文:helping forests flourish as valuable “carbon sinks”?

选项:lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity(近义词替换)

原文:?require reducing their capacityto sequester carbon now.?


题干:california’sforest carbon plan endeavors to(细节题)

原文:the state’s proposed forest carbon plan aims to?

选项:reduce the density of some of itsforests(近义词替换)

原文:?thin out young trees and clear brush?in parts of the forest


题干:?what is essential to california’s plan(细节题)

原文:so it will be important

选项:to handle the areas in serious danger first.(近义词替换+上下义词替换)

原文:?prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought.


题干:the author’s attitude to california’s plan can be described as(情绪题)




原文california’splan…should?serve as a model.



题干:what problem should be addressed(细节题)

原文:american?farmers have been complaining of?

选项:flaws in u.s. immigration rules for farm workers.(正反替换)

原文:american farmers have been complaining of?labor shortages?for several years. thecomplaints are unlikely to stop without?an overhaul of immigration rules for farm workers.


题干:one trouble with u.s. agricultural workforce is(细节题)

选项:the aging of immigrant farm workers(指代处常考)

原文:they’re also aging.


题干:what is the much-argued solution to the labor shortage in u.s. farming??(细节题)

原文:one?oft-debated cure for this labor shortage remains?

选项:to get native u.s. workers back to farming.(正反替换)

原文:one oft-debated cure for this labor shortage remains as implausible as it’s been all along:?native u.s, workers won’t be returning to the farm.


题干:agricultura lemployers complain about the h-2a visa for its?(细节题)

原文:employers complainthey aren’t given all the workers they need.

选项:slow granting procedures(近义词替换)

原文:the process is?cumbersome, expensive,and unreliable. one survey found that bureaucratic?delays?led the average h-2a worker to arrive on the job 22 days?late.


题干:which of the following couldbe the best title for this text?(主旨题)

选项:?import food or labor?(集合首尾段)

原文:american farmers have been complaining of?labor shortages?for several years. the complaints are unlikely to stop without an overhaul of?immigration rules for farm workers.

in effect, the u.s. can?import food or it can import the workers?who pick it.



题干:?some celebrities star in a new video to(细节题)

原文:they’re part of a bunch of celebrities starring in a new video?

选项:urge consumers to cut the use of plastics(近义词替换)

原文:they’re part of a bunch of celebrities starring in a new video for?world environment day—encouraging you, the consumer, to swap out your single-use plastic staples to combat the plastics crisis.


题干:?the author is concerned that “moral licensing” may(细节题)

原文:a kind of “moral licensing”that

选项:prevent us from making further efforts(近义词替换)

原文:a kind of “moral licensing”that eases our concerns and?stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge.


题干:by pointing out our identity as “citizens,” the author indicates that?(揣度题)

原文:…?rather than as “citizens” …

选项:we should press our governments to lead the combat

原文:we’re ignoring the balance of power that implies that as “consumers” we must shopsustainably,?rather than as “citizens” hold our governments and industries to account to push for real systemic change.


题干:desombre argues that the best way for a collective change should be(细节题)

原文:elizabethr. desombre argues that the best way to collectively change

选项:a top-down process(上下义词替换)

原文:elizabethr. desombre argues that the best way to collectively change the behavior oflarge numbers of people is for the change?to be structural.


题干:?the author concludes that individual efforts(细节题)

原文:…?the individual…

选项:are far from sufficient

原文:none of this is about writing off the individual…?we don’t have time to wait. we need progressive polices?that shape collective action, alongside engaged citizens pushing for change.










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