

原标题:【旗胜考研】2024考研英语(一)考研底细pdf 25考研底细(2004-2008)真题pdf



五大根柢句型变体:①主+谓+宾从;②主从+谓+宾;③主从+谓+宾从;④主+系+表从;⑤主从+系+表; ⑥主从+系+表

其他特别句型:①there be句型:there+ be (am/is/are…)+主;②祈使句:谓+宾;③倒装句:宾+谓+主; ④一般疑问句:助动词/神态动词+主+谓语动词+宾;⑤特别疑问句:特别疑问词+助动词/神态动词+主+谓语动词+宾;@what/how about句型:what/how about +名词/代词等

dear mr. wang,

i’m writing to let you know that i’m resigning from my position as an editor for designs & fashions. i have been very happy working with you and other colleagues for the past two months. ?this job is the means of making a living for me and brings me plenty of valuable experience. ?however, though i have faced many exciting challenges in my present job, i realize it cannot live up to my expectations and keeps me away from my dream. it is not enjoyable. ?for a long time, i have profoundly believed interest can make me concentrate on my business and this in turn brings the final success. ?therefore, i decide to resign and explore new career options after much careful thought. oi sincerely hope you will kindly accept my resignation and my apologies.

yours truly,

li ming


我写此封信是要告诉您,我将辞去《方案?时髦》杂志的修改一职。在曩昔的两个月里,我非常高兴能和您及其他火伴一同作业。这份作业是我营生的办法,也为我供给了名贵的作业经历。可是,尽管当前的作业让我面临过许多令人振奋的应战,但我知道到它无法抵达我的期望,并使我违背了自个的愿望。这令我感到哀痛。一向以来,我深信快乐喜爱可以使我专心于自个的作业,然后带来究竟的成功。因而,经过再三思考,我抉择辞去职务并初步一番新的作业。 我由衷地期望您可以附和我的辞去职务请求并承受我的抱愧。



标;隹句式 i’m writing to let you know that i’m resigning from my position as an editor for designs & fashions.

打破句式 it is with much regret that i’m writing to let you know that i’m resigning from my position as an editor for designs & fashions.


句式点评标准句式作为函件最初语,开篇即标明晰辞去职务意向,表意无缺、清楚,但打破句式添加更宛转的表达 with much regret, 并用it is…that的偏重句式对其进行偏重,更能表达出辞去作业的抱愧。

标;隹句式 i have been very happy working with you and other colleagues for the past two months.

打破句式 i have been delighte
d to work with you and other colleagues for the past two months.


句式点评标准句式运用be happy doing sth.句型表达写信人对这份作业的喜爱,略显一般;打破句式则运用了 be delighted to do sth.这一句型, 使句式表达更力口活络。


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