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are you a critical thinker?







part one: 原文&单词

ⅰhow can we hope to thoughtfully address the economic issues, conflicts, world poverty, and many other pressing concerns that trouble our planet, if we don’t take the way we think seriously? we can’t. to effectively deal with these issues, we must cultivate the spirit of critical thinking throughout human societies.


1.address [??dres] v. 处置,处置

2.pressing [?pres??] a.火急的

3.concern [k?n?s?:n] n. 重要的作业或疑问

4.cultivate [?k?lt?ve?t] v. 培育

ⅱright now we are not even teaching the skills and dispositions of the critical mind in our schools. we are not cultivating the intellect. everyone thinks; but we don’t always think well. in fact, much of our thinking, left to itself, is rough, distorted, partial, uninformed, or prejudiced. yet the quality of our life and all of the decisions we make depend precisely on the quality of our thought. at present, the act of thinking is virtually ignored.


5.disposition [?d?sp??z??n] n. 本质,性格

6.intellect [??nt?lekt] n. 笼统或深化思维的才能;常识分子,有才智的人

7.partial [?pɑ:?l] a. 片面的

8.virtually [?v?:t?u?li] ad. 几乎

ⅲcritical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking that aims to take the reasoning we all do naturally to a higher level. it is the art of analyzing and evaluating with the goal of improving thought. when making a decision, it is the difference between weighing information to come to a logical conclusion and making snap judgments without understanding the information.


9.weigh [we?] v. 细心思考,权衡

10.snap [sn?p] a. 匆促的;匆忙的

ⅳ some people became the greatest thinkers by not accepting information at face value, but by thinking deeply for themselves, asking questions, and refining their thinking over time. it wasn’t easy. of his own thinking, charles darwin said: “i have as much difficulty as ever in expressing myself clearly and concisely; and this difficulty has caused me a very great loss of time, but it has had the compensating advantage of forcing me to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus i have been led to see errors in reasoning and in my own observations or those of others.”


11.refine [r??fa?n] v. 改进,完善

12.concisely [k?n’sa?sl?] ad. 简练地

ⅴwilliam graham sumner, the yale academic and essayist may have put it best when, in 1906, he said: “the critical habit of thought, if usual in society, will permeate all its conventions, because it is a way of taking up the problems of life. men educated in it cannot be rushed by stump orators… they can wait for evidence and weigh evidence, uninfluenced by the emphasis or confidence with which assertions are made on one side or the other. they can resist appeals to their dearest prejudices and all kinds of compliments. education in the critical faculty is the only education of which it can be truly said that it makes good citizens.”


13.permeate [?p?:mie?t] v. 渗透

14.convention [k?n?ven?n] n.风俗习气

15.take up 着手处置

16.rush [r??] v. (使)匆促行事

17.appeal [??pi:l] n. 感动,启示

18.dear [d??(r)] a. 深切的

19.faculty [?f?klti] n. 才能,才干

*stump orator 树桩演说家(指从事竞选等政治活动时站在树墩上或其他暂时搭的台子上作揭露演说者)


ⅵhis warning echoes today. though there is no quick and easy fix, we can all start by beginning to think about how we think. we can question our purposes, our assumptions, our ideas, and our inferences. we can question whether we are considering the views of others to understand them, or to dismiss them. we can open our minds to the larger world with all of its complexities. if we are to reverse the downward spiral we are presently experiencing, we must begin to actively and deliberately foster fair-minded critical thinking in our schools, our homes, our social institutions, in government, and indeed, in every part of human life.


20.echo [?ek??] v. 发生回响,致使共识

21.inference [??nf?r?ns] n. 揣度

22.dismiss [d?s?m?s] v. 摒弃

23.spiral [?spa?r?l] n. 螺旋型;螺旋式

24.foster [?f?st?(r)] v. 培育

25.fair-minded a. 公正的

part two: 长难句语法指点

when making a decision,it is the difference betweenweighing information to come to a logical conclusionandmaking snap judgments without understanding the information.

标红有些为主句,骨干是it is the difference between…and……。蓝色有些为when引导的时刻状语从句,橙色有些为动名词短语。

part three: 写作句型学习

though there is no quick and easy fix, we can all start by doing sth.




though there is no quick and easy fix, we can all start by beginning to think about how we think.尽管没有快速简便的抵偿办法,但咱们可以从思考如何思考初步。

if we are to do xx, we must begin to actively and deliberately foster yy in our schools, our homes, our social institutions, in government, and indeed, in every part of human life.假定咱们方案做xx,就有必要初步在咱们的学校、



if we are to reverse the downward spiral we are presently experiencing, we must begin to actively and deliberately foster fair-minded critical thinking in our schools, our homes, our social institutions, in government, and indeed, in every part of human life. 假定咱们方案回转如今阅历着的螺旋式下跌,就有必要初步在咱们的学校、咱们的家庭、咱们的社会机构,在政府甚至人类日子的各个有些,活泼地、有意地培育公正的批判性思维。








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